
We came home!

An unexpected accident has occured in Frankfurt (the delayed flight, VISA, etc etc) but we finished our internship program and got safely home!

Our heartfelt thanks go to various professors, researchers, and projects coordinators in UK, Ukraine and Austria. This internship would never have been such a fruitful experience without their support. Their great cooperation and patience is deeply appreciated.

It was a joint internship with Liverpool university and we visited UK, Ukraine and Austria. We believe it is a precious opportunity for students to meet researchers from all over the world and to learn their studies.

[Training destination]
United Kingdom: University of Liverpool, Dalton Cumbrian Facility, NNL Workington non-active engineering research centre
Ukraine: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
UIAR (Ukraniane Institute of Agricultural radiology), Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ecocenter, Pripyat
Austria: IAEA laboratories (in Seibersdorf)




Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network

University of Tsukuba


Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics at University of Tsukuba