集中講義:Gerhard Proehl博士 (元IAEA ユニット長) (2020)
筑波大学大学院 地球科学学位プログラム:
「原子力緊急時対応と放射性廃棄物処理・処分を支える高度人材育成事業」(ENEP)における、Gerhard Proehl博士 (元IAEA Waste and Environmental Safety Section ユニット長) による集中講義
(1) Radioactivity and radiation exposure from natural sources
(2) The International system of Radiation Protection
(3) Methodology for the assessment of exposures to people following nuclear accidents
(4) Long-term trends of radionuclides in foodstuffs
(5) The nuclear accidents in the Chernobyl NPP and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(6) A comparison of remediation after the Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi Accidents
(7) IAEA Safety Standards for the management of Radioactive Waste
(8) Overview of options for disposal of radioactive waste
(9) Assessing potential exposures to people in the post-closure period of a waste disposal facility I. General aspects
(10) Assessing potential exposures to people in the post-closure period of a waste disposal facility II. From present to future conditions
(11) Assessing potential exposures to people in the post-closure period of a waste disposal facility III. Option A: Elaborating an envelope for future conditions –The analogue approach
(12) Assessing potential exposures to people in the post-closure period of a waste disposal facility IV. Option B: Modelling future climates and landscapes